VN - Unity - Tears of the NTR [v1.0] [Naughty Arcade Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Tears of the NTR is a Zelda based NTR phone game in the vein of all the other ones that seem to be so popular recently.

    The gameplay has enough choices and routes that I played through a couple different paths just to see the different outcomes. The choices generally boost love, lust, or dom (hers) and occasionally lock or unlock a path. It feels fairly straightforward which kind of ending you're likely to see based on your responses, so frankly it does everything a VN can be expected to do.

    I do wish there were more images though. I think there might be around a dozen all told unless there's a lot on routes I didn't take. There are entirely too few.

    While there's some grammar and spelling issues throughout the game, Tears of the NTR is reasonably well written and I don't regret the (fairly short) time I played it. As long as you're into NTR (stealing or swinging), you'll probably enjoy it.