RPGM - Completed - Receptionist at the Bottom Tier Guild [v1.10] [eChime]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    Weak and short game, limited amount of scenes, I think around 15, a lot of recycling/reusing same cgi.

    There is unavoidable rape event that happens once reputation falls below -50 or something like that.

    Gameover when reputation reaches negative 100. Not much content overall, and kind of bland.

    The overall setting idea, of a reception lady that lures and promotes quests with H activities is good, but the realization of this idea is questionable at best.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art, decent animations, unique gameplay (might get repetitive though), unique setting (guild receptionist). But the game is too short in order to fully realize the potential of the gameplay/setting. The game has some questionable game designs though (RNG quest completion, higher difficulty= higher RNG), RNG quest acceptance of adventurers (can be remedied by Gifts/seduce). Great AI MTL (almost indistinguishable from manual translation). Overall pretty alright H game, the setting is light hearted adventurer type of setting. Hoping for a decent sequel which improves on this game's features.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't load from the menu, the village is lacking events, arbitrary barriers, and got softlocked at the slime quest because one of those arbitrary barriers failed to clear when it was supposed to. Somebody posted about a debug item, which also doesn't get past the lock.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good actually. I missed more than half the content on purpose, because I'm not interested in those.

    Usually I put my own brain to work while playing hentai games because if I had to finish the job with the usual static image or whats sadly also the usual average sex animation, I wouldn't finish. This game does that part pretty well, I specially like the fellatio animation.

    You can easily miss a lot of content, and the game is not too long. Once you finish it once (I read everything), speedrunning it is ok. There's a lot of potential in this idea, quite a few improvements I can think myself, but I doubt they will update the game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is disappointing in a much truer sense than just a bad game.

    The art is beautiful, and they introduce lots of interesting characters. There's standing animation and options to wear less clothing. So you'd think it's pretty much painting by numbers at this point and would be a hit.

    Unfortunately, while the art is nice, the animation of it is dogshit. Those interesting characters get 1 scene a piece and you will very likely never get to see it because the specific lose-state you need for them is specific to them and no one else. The clothing, as well as the flirting behind the desk could have been a fantastic opportunity for some exhibitionist play or decent corruption, but instead it's just 3 options that hurt your popularity (paradoxically) and convinces the men to do something you probably didn't need to convince them to do if you vet them even a little. Instead you can speed into 100% Lewd rating and then just more or less accidentally stumble through the rest of the game, passing out quests because nothing else seems to be getting a new event.

    Only reason I'm not rating it a 1 is because I like the art that much.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty fun, cute true ending
    also hot :)
    i like the gameplay as most of it can be automated* though the actual stuff you can/have to do is also not too bad, i just wish it were more onehandable

    *you just send adventurers and grab quests in town
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is exactly what a game should not be. It is fundamental bad game design, when what you want to achieve most as a player is punished towards a game over.

    Slootting her up or not should be two different approaches of achieving the same end game goal being the survival of the guild and her job.

    There should absolutely be a loss condition, but that should be about mismanaging the guild job assignments.

    Other than the model being nice I really don't have anything good to say about the game, it is less than the sum of its parts.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Receptionist at the Bottom Tier Guild is a grindy experience in which the juice is not worth the squeeze.
    • There's a diverse cast of named characters, but we learn very little about them even after intimate scenes.
    • There are large maps, but very little content in each. The time spent walking around adds to the frustration from the grind.
    • Even the H-content is lacking in this game and it actively discourages the player from doing lewd acts with reputational damage.
    Overall, the experience is shallow and isn't worth the time it drains.

    I believe a large portion of my disappointment comes from unmet expectations. We start in a small town with an empty adventurer's guild, a dilapidated church, and a tavern on the verge of shutting down due to insufficient business. There is so much that could've been done in the village, but the content is simply not there.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is average in content and above average in one personage sex scenes animations.

    From good points are:
    Clothing system (extremely poor but nonetheless)

    Animates h-scenes (There aren’t much of those but still)

    Some-what normal looking girl (Her bust size in levels of huge, but not “wth is dis balloon”)

    Other grils exist too, but most of them have only 1 scene you have to go out of your way to get.

    Now bad:
    Grindy as hell. Most of your time is spent doing random shit that have no scenes or scenes on loss and you have to guess which ones do.

    Reused scenes, the one h-scene variation you seen will be used on every occasion.

    Just boring. You go from guild-home without being able to do much in the village.
    Yes you could fuck some random mercs to get some money and see EXACT same scenes.
    There is also walking in night nude possibility that is just empty and you need to do each night to get new variations of same scenes.

    Machine TL. Its good, but not perfect.

    TLDR: Mediocre, but somewhat okey. Gallery save and don’t bother playing. There isn’t much of a game here.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is a good idea that isn't well executed.

    First, the plot is paper thin, like the characters. The town barely have anything to do, the guild administration is bare bones and super boring (the RNG is bullshit, so use gifts or seduction).

    The combat is shit, you don't have skills, spells, different weapons, nothing.

    About the porn, the girl is super hot but the corruption system is basically non existent, and while the scenes are very well draw, there is a severe lack of content and a lot of scenes are reused.

    I think if you grab a better developer the final result would be way better.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice change of pace from generic RPGM scene collector.

    basic gameplay loop revolves around assigning quests to an increasing cast of adventurers. You have 3 options while doing so: Persuade, Bribe, and Seduce. persuasion is the base chance for the adventurer to accept, which can be increased by either bribing (its pretty obvious what items go to who, and i dont think you even have the option of selecting the wrong one) or seducing. Seduction increases acceptance chance while lowering your rep and may later call in favors owed, which reduces your rep even further. you can just play the tease and that will FURTHER decrease your rep more so than if you just sucked a dick in the first place.

    game would be a balancing act between keeping the reputation stable while trying to see as many scenes as you want without going to -100 (bad end)

    decent variety of scenes and there is an unlock all switch after completing the game.

    TLDR: Worth the few hours for a play thru
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    v1.10 completed.

    this game is really extremely anti-fun to play, and bad porngame gameplay wise. first of all it's very grindy, second, it doesn't make sense.

    if you play the game as intended and instructed then you will see 0 h-scenes with the heroine. 0. yes ZERO. there will only be 1 H-scene of an opponent enemy girl who gets gangbanged. that is the whole game for 2-3hours if you play it as it's instructed.

    but ofc you play opposite of what's instructed and very badly and non logically, you can get some H-scenes. but it forces you to choose bad decisions willingly. it's just garbage game design.

    why? because you can convince adventurers to do a quest, most of which has NO TIME LIMIT. now you can convince them by persuasion with a decent percentage, give them gifts (expensive) or seduce them... seduction reduces your reputation, successfully completing quests increases reputation...

    there is literally 0 incentive to use seduction. if you use seduction and your reputation worsens, then your ability to persuade decreases too. so now you would feel reluctant to seduce anyone due to lowering reputation... plus which makes no sense as well is why would you seduce anyone when you have 50+% persuasion chance on everyone, and quests have no time limit so you can try to persuade every day, plus some adventurers have really high % for persuasion and success rate.

    so you have to play the slut route to get low reputation and see that content... and that's another things where the game goes wrong again.. somehow you only get raped by thugs if you have low reputation... like lol, why would thugs care about your reputation before they rape you blindfolded. it makes no sense either.

    so 0 incentives to logically choose the slut route but that is literally ALL THE CONTENT IN THE GAME.

    gameplay: absolute trash. you have a crossbow and in RPGM engine you can shoot straight with it, not diagonally. and you have to kill mobs this way. sometimes slowly... very bad. to choose a battle mechanic on this engine this way is insane. if enemies are at a corner then good luck you cant hit them. rpgm movement was always awkward and author creates the whole battle system on it lol. whatever.

    there are some scenes on losing against some enemies like orcs/goblins, but even that only when you fight solo, but you do so little damage(early on) that it's nearly always worth to get someone with you for more dmg, so then you won't get raped anyway. furthermore you would probably issue that quest to an adventurer anyway since YOU ARE A RECEPTIONIST! why would you get goblin/orc killing quests WHEN YOU ARE THE RECEPTIONIST. I REPEAT, YOU ARE THE RECEPTIONIST.

    so i think the game is 0 fun to play. sure it has some voice, animated BUT censored sex scenes, relatively okayish heroine, sex scenes are not bad, but still the game makes no sense and it's 0 fun to play it, you have to actively sabotage yourself and play against every logic there is and adventure away as the receptionist to get raped.

    edit: oh and of course a game of this caliber has no skip-message button.

    just a bad game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Such a pleasant game!

    Despite being a simple H-RPG with basic dungeon/town-events loop and no actual RPG, every detail about it suddenly just feels right. It's almost like people who make it actually cared, and understood, what is good and what is bad in little silly projects like this.

    So, no boring turn-base fights and no unneeded grind. Dungeons are simple, short, and fun. You can even ignore the dungeon part completely, delegating it to local chumps. But gameplay is still there; it's in the management of assignments, which is unusual, and "unusual" for RPGM games means "good".

    Pure run & Slut run. Heroine is neither a slut nor a prude.

    The plot is simple but sufficient. All side characters are ok; some of them are even fun. Dialogs are, as they should, short and to the point.

    Animations in games are usually unneeded, but here they give a cute vibe, showing once again that the developer cared.

    There are problems with the general dynamic of the game in the second part, but the game is short, so it's not a big deal.

    Overall, it feels good, and that is what matters.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    a very good hentai game with a duration of 3-5 hours with some replayability but most important the scenes are animated

    have normal plot for a hentai game, its from point A to point B without too much grind so you can play it relaxed without worring, finishing it give you a button to unlock everything, or you can just begin the new game plus and get the events that you missed so in general is a nice game, good scenes, short plot, and likeable protagonist
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Makes you want to play 100% without wanting a full save game ✓
    All Scenes Animated ✓
    Defeat Scenes ✓
    Long Interesting Gameplay ✓
    Beautiful Protagonist ✓
    Nothing is missing ✓
    Great Secondary Characters ✓
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an alright game all things considered, hit or miss for each individual, hit for me in a "I dont hate it" way, which is something I cant say for many other games.

    MTL is alright, you understand it and unless you're an english teacher, you won't care about the translation issues that plop up here and there.

    Gameplay is a bit of a chore? Which makes sense considering you're a receptionist. You can take on hunting/gathering quests yourself incase you don't wanna bother with gifts and what not, which is what I did, because I am stupid. Sent adventurers on their way, rarely flashing em because of the rep system, as I tried to stay in the positives with that one.
    Edit: Forgot to add that rep system isnt an end all, be all, as you can go to the church to the left of the town on every free day to pray and get 5 good rep points, negating a single seduction.

    H-Scenes are of higher quality, surprisingly enough. Can't really complain on that front, huge positive for... an H-Game...? (duh)
    Doesn't cover a wide range of fetishes which doesn't bother me, in fact is a positive to me, as I prefer quality over quantity. Content included is:
    - Handjob -Boobjob -Oral -Vaginal -Anal -(some) BDSM, exclusive to a single character and afaik 2 scenes.

    Story is surface level deep, reading the description already gives you all the info there really is.

    Got the normal ending, wont bother with the true ending because I've essentially almost seen all there is to see within my first run, so I'm good, but there is the New Game Plus incase you wanna make your life a little easier for the true ending.

    All in all, like I said, a fairly decent game which you either like or hate. Worst case scenario you could waste a bit of time with this one with a pure run incase you're bored.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Short n simple.
    No grind needed in normal mode.
    Got true ending with no problems.
    Completed in 2 hours.
    Some translation issues but not enough to bother me.
    Gallery unlock available on completion.
    All h scenes are animated.
    Debug item directly to the west of the town south exit, behind tree.

    Rare to see a RPG Maker game that doesn't waste my time, so i can't help but appreciate this one.
    I wish there was more content and costumes.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Hello! It's me, Illidan! Today i will review this piece of grinding and waste of time. I will review this game by such categories : Translation. story, gameplay, animations

    Let's start!

    Translation 4/5 - Pretty subpar MTL tbh... But most of things are understandable

    Story 1/5 - Story??? What kind of story do you want. Normal and true ending are really bad. For normal ending you just don't need to be lewd, while true ending requires you to save everyone and etc.

    Gameplay 1/5 - Very boring gameplay, aimed to waste your time. You must grind to get money, which will allow you to buy gifts for adventurers. You need money to buy better equipment for yourself and many other things. I really dislike how they force player to search quest in town, to save certain subheroines like that brat. Without her and other ones, you can't achieve true ending. The only good thing i can say about the game, that you can see how village becomes more developed and gets more shops and etc. Though.... I am not really excited about that

    Animations and Hscenes 1-3/5 - It's simply bad, but if i say at best.... It's ok? Animations here is simply up and down, or inserted thing going forward and backwards. I also won't say that scenes drawn particularly good

    Conclusion 1 - 1.5/5 - Really bad game which i strongly recommend to pass. There is useless grind, almost 0 story and animations not great.