Pokémon Luster (Development Thread)


Aug 20, 2017
Hey all I'm making a lewd Pokémon fan game, and am getting to the point where I need help and the opinions of others so I can improve and make the best game imaginable. I've never really made a thread here so I hope I'm doing it right. Please don't be too rough with me I bruise easily.

PLANS : Brand new custom region
200+ Pokémon with custom sprites
Custom Pokémon (I.E regional variants)
At least 1 lewd scene per Pokémon
Animated scenes
several human characters with scenes
Some other cool shit as I go

SPRITE EXAMPLE: Please do offer criticism if you have any. Just don't be too mean I have brittle bones.

Riolu Sprite.png Riolu SpriteBack.png

Here it is in game!
