Unity A NSFW journey into the psyche: the reasons behind it - JNZ - Nightmare Girls [Development Thread]

Aug 15, 2024
Hey guys! We are Forbidden Dreams and we are currently developing a game named JNZ: Nightmare Girls, a dating sim with mini-games and non-linear storytelling.
We started the JNZ project as a game that would combine the psychological depth and character of a Persona-style dating simulator with mature, NSFW elements. This game isn't just about romance - it's about confronting the darker sides of the human psyche and navigating the complex terrain of dual personalities.
JNZ: Nightmare Girls is based on Carl Jung's psychology combined with mystical imagery.

People whose desires do not coincide with their social role are often unhappy and “broken”. Demons can seep into these cracks - and then the Shadow - the character's dark personality - is created. The demon's task is to destroy the character's true self through the Shadow, and take possession of her body. Many major criminals, madmen, and dictators are people taken over by demons. You are the Catcher - and it is your job to prevent the demonic takeover of the young beautiful bodies before the merging process is 100% complete.
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You will be able to get into the girls' subconscious minds, travel through it, find demons and explore them.
You will get to know girls through interacting with them in protag's real life, applying communication and charisma skills to understand the reasons for their “brokenness”, where Nightmares lurk.
In this way you get to know the girls as they bare their souls and bodies to you. It's up to you to discover the girls' dark secret desires, their fears, doubts and traumas in order to make sense of them and fix them.
The story is non-linear, the player can make decisions for the character and face the consequences of their choices. The player will face moral dilemmas and the realization that there is more than black and white, right and wrong.

But why, you may ask, did we decide to use psychological context and girls with problematic characters?
Initially, a game is a simulation of some life processes, in which the player swings some skills useful in some life situations. And real life is complicated and we want to convey this idea to the player by offering complex situations and the possibility to deal with them. There are many games where you can just have sex with characters, but few games that make you think about solutions to real-life problems.
- Hey, are you breaking my bastion of escapism?
- We might be. Or maybe we're making it worse.

Thanks, guys! Hope you enjoyed or hated the article!
Aug 15, 2024
Thanks! We're currently making a first playabe (to come this month). We're doing weekly updates on our Patreon, but we can't post links yet. Today we'll share more info on the game!
Aug 15, 2024
Hey guys! We are Forbidden Dreams and we are currently developing a game named “JNZ: Nightmare Girls”, a dating sim with mini-games and non-linear storytelling.

We decided to add to the visual style of character design and CGs some elemets of manhwa (Korean version of manga).

(A CG from JNZ: Nightmare Girls)

In manhwa, characters have refined facial features, long bodies, and very expressive eyes and body physics.
We paid attention to the style of the characters' clothing and lingerie, moles and accessories. All of this was selected to best convey the characters' image, personality and 'vibe'.
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(JNZ Character - Alice: Sketch)

(JNZ CG with lingerie)

The manhwa places great emphasis on the emotional revelation of the characters. This is perfect for our NSFW game, where it is important for us to convey not only the physical but also the emotional aspects of a scene.
Manhwa often harmonizes eroticism with aesthetics. This makes it suitable for adult games where it is important to create a beautiful but provocative atmosphere, to combine aesthetics and sex.

This is what motivated us in the visual concept of CGs for JNZ: Nightmare Girls!

Thanks, guys! Hope you enjoyed or hated the article!
Aug 15, 2024
Hey guys! We are Forbidden Dreams and we are currently developing a game named “JNZ: Nightmare Girls”, a dating sim with mini-games and non-linear storytelling.

Today we're going to talk about what other games were our inspirations for the game concept and what we want to get out of the game, how should it feel in terms of story?

"The first reference that comes to mind would probably not be the most famous or popular game. It would be SimGirl DNA2, a small hentai flash game, that was probably my first dating sim." - says the game designer.
"Hentai SimGirl DNA2" flash game

In this game, every time you perform an action, you sacrifice other opportunities, and time moves forward mercilessly. You might miss important plot points because you didn't know about them, didn't have time, or were just busy with another activity. This experience gave a sense of realism, because real life has a place for time allocation, choices, and unexpected encounters. The game gives you 100 game days, during which you have to complete in-game tasks.

Other dating simulators with similar mechanics were later discovered, mostly Japanese. Some of them are quite old. SimGirl probably drew much of its inspiration from them. Like Dōkyūsei (1992), Tokimeki Memorial (1994), True Love (1995) and others.

"True Love" (1995)

"Dōkyūsei" (1992)

"Tokimeki Memorial" (1994)

The same concept was developed by Alicesoft games like Sengoku: Rance and Big Bang Age, where it's impossible to have time for everything, and each action ruthlessly moves the plot forward, leaving behind missed opportunities. A lot of situations with moral choices and its consequences were added. There could be very dark sex scenes in case of mistakes that caused disgust rather than excitement. Most importantly, empathy for the characters. You have to save Kenshin or they'll do terrible things to her!
"Big Bang Age" (2003)

"Sengoku Rance" (2006)

That said, the right solutions aren't always obvious, you have to explore locations, search for answers and apply what you learn to solve problems and get new plot developments.

I would characterize JNZ's postulates in this way:
  • Sex is an extra color of game-building that adds new emotions to the usual SFW. With it, we expand the range of emotional experience, but are not limited to it.
  • The important role of relationships with heroines. Winning a girl's affection is no easy task, and while some porn games make it easy, we don't go down that road.
  • The player must realize that girls are individuals with unique personalities, each needs a different key to the heart. Perhaps some knowledge from the game will even be useful to the player in real life.
  • The story depends on the player's actions, mistakes and right decisions, which can only be conveyed with the help of a non-linear plot.
  • The feeling of a real world that lives its own life, in which the player can participate.
  • Mind travels can't be used for having sex, only fighting the demons. A girl must accept you with her free will.
Thanks, guys! Hope you enjoyed or hated the article!
Aug 15, 2024
So you're digging deep, I see. Are those old games any cool?
Yeah, they give high player agency (feeling that your choice matters), and with things you have to refuse to proceed, you value more every decision. Epecially I love the feeling when you think there are some hidden paths... and eventually find them! And even if those hidden paths don't exist, you still love the feeling that it's possible while you were searching... not sure if I did explain that correctly.


New Member
Aug 15, 2024
So what about the game? When do we see it? Will there be more articles? I need more love-hate relationships with articles =-O
Aug 15, 2024
So what about the game? When do we see it? Will there be more articles? I need more love-hate relationships with articles =-O
You can already check our Patreon , if you like. There are already some arts, animations and fun stuff like devlogs. But we plan to introduce it later with a first playable.
There will be more articles but probably not this week (really buisy with a playable).


New Member
Aug 15, 2024
Okay! We've finally finished playtesting the first playable, and it's coming this week 100% together with a lot of content on Patreon. The first playable is small and takes somewhere around 12 minutes. It shows the core gameplay part related to the story: dialogs, map and first time of CG we call "Show".
I'm watching you!